Rising to the Challenge – Sports Assistance

I enjoy assisting student athletes with the ability to meet their sports challenges. This can include an athlete being held-back from participation in a sport or needing more help with their sport skills. CAL Sports wants to help your athlete get the assistance they deserve to overcome their sports challenges. When I assist students, it includes advising and guiding parents on strategies they can utilize for overcoming their child’s sports situation.

A first step includes helping to build your student’s self-esteem and self-confidence. Having them understand the reality of their situation by changing their perception can improve how they interpret and react to it. You and your student should revisit their sports goals to determine if any revisions are needed. Younger athletes do not always understand the expectations of their coaches regarding their sports role.

Next, I assess the situation. I like to review any recordings or footage you might have of your student in action on the field of their sport. My coaches and I at CAL Sports can assess the plays the student makes and provide coaching advice. This will help the student with skill improvement. I can assess the sports situation by providing an objective perspective.

The assessment process allows me to create a realistic plan to help your child succeed at identified goal achievements. Short and long-term goals should be set that are feasible for the student to achieve so that they can gain confidence and self-esteem in their skill abilities.

Athletics for students can be demanding. Therefore, I will help guide the student with learning how to manage their time between academic work and athletic practices/competitions. I emphasize the importance of achieving a proper amount of sleep each night, daily healthy nutritional intake, and a supportive network of friends/teammates. Coaches will utilize developed actions to assist the student to succeed in the sport, and parents will have interventions to assist the student with achievements in the academic setting.

I feel it is also important to provide the student and parents with an evaluation on the outcomes of the planned interventions. Student athletes may have some uncertainties about their sport and need assistance with clarification and decision-making on determining whether this is the right sport for them if outcomes were not able to be achieved. I encourage parents to reach-out to their student athlete and ask questions on these topics since the athlete may not always come to you for assistance.

For a better understanding of your student athlete’s next step, talk to them by using active listening skills. Their input and insights are important to hear. Spend the time to try to understand their viewpoint, emotions, and the messages they want to convey. I like to use a technique where I relate the sports situation to a life scenario. An example of this includes to talk about how building a strong work ethic in sports equates to learning how to meet the demands of a job or professional position in their future.

T- Together
E- Everyone
A- Achieves
M- More

Remember that being a part of a sports team can equate to much more greater successes and connections in the athlete’s life.

Contact me at CAL Sports for further information about assisting your student athlete with rising to the challenge! You can contact me (Corey Lord at CAL Sports Academy by email at office@calsportsacademy.com or phone at 1-844-CAL-EDGE (844-225-3343).