In the spirit of the holidays, it feels like the right time to further explain why we love what we do at CAL Sports. First and foremost, the youth that we work with and have the opportunity to meet, are forever a part of our CAL family. This is not something we take lightly; it means that these young athletes will forever have a source or an outlet they can reach out to when it is needed. In over 10 years, thousands of kids and parents have come through CAL Sports, and they will always be a part of what makes this organization what it is to this day.
We coaches and staff at CAL take immeasurable pride in our jobs. Any avenue in which one can work with youth and be a positive influence in their lives is invaluable and we take this very seriously. Sports is a great vehicle to teach kids important life lessons that are so much deeper than what is on the surface of the sport itself. Anytime you are in the gym you can here Coach Corey dropping some priceless life lessons on the kids. It is an essential part of our mission here at CAL. We are driven to determine a child’s strength through sports. The strengths we are trying to instill in these young athletes goes so far beyond the court.
Our five pillars, strength, motivation, commitment, determination, and teamwork, are essential values that any good athlete should possess, but more importantly they are vital attributes that we want our athletes to take with them as positive role models in society. We will never measure our own or our athletes success by strictly wins and losses, but rather in lives we impact and those great young men and women that our athletes mature into.
We love what we do for the very simple fact that we love the athletes and families we get to impact. Sports happen to be the vessel through which we reach people, but nothing will ever stop CAL Sports from being an organization with the goal of creating outstanding young men and women (who also happen to be pretty darn good athletes along the way).
We hope you have all have a great holiday season and we hope you join us at CAL Sports in making 2019 the best year we all can!