VITAMINS for Success

V – Venture: Venture into new territories throughout life. Trying new things brings creativity, passion and excitement. Venturing allows you to be open to new experiences. Don’t be scared of trying something new, you may find unexpected interests lead to higher achievements in life.

I – Inspire: Each day try to find ways to lift your spirits and inspire others. Keep motivated to reach new goals and encourage others to be the best at whatever they can achieve. Inspiration for yourself and others makes a difference in people and within the surrounding community.

T – Thankful: Have appreciation for the essence of the gift of life each day. This provides you with a chance to learn from the previous day and move forward with new knowledge to create a better tomorrow. Find gratitude in all aspects of your life, because there is no guarantee that these entities will be available to you tomorrow.

A – Adapt: Change is evitable. One thing that you can be certain of in life is that there will be change. Learning to adapt to the changes that occur will help you gain success throughout your many journeys. Flexibility allows you to adapt to life’s changes as they arise.

M – Motivate: Lift others up with praise, motivation, and excitement about what they are learning and achieving. This engages others to work together for common goals and to reach individual benchmarks. Encouragement is a powerful tool that helps someone overcome the fear of failure.

I – Impact: Positivity leaves a greater impact on others. When you rise up as a leader  in a group you can have a greater impact on your group’s goals if you infuse positivity. When you become a mentor or a role model for others, the positive impact you have on others can be life altering.  Inspire others to be the best that they can be, and you will find the resulting impact can be greater than your expectations.

N – Now: Be mindful to live in the present moment since there is no promise for tomorrow.  Appreciate each day.  If you do not take advantage of the opportunities that are available to you now, they may not be there in the future. When you live your life by focusing on the present, you can move forward from your past and avoid getting lost in a future that has not yet arrived.

S – Sacrifice: Prioritizing what is most important to you means that you may have to sacrifice other aspects that are not as vital. This is the part of the journey that can propel you to reach higher level goals. Choosing how to devote your time and energy means sacrificing other things that are less of a priority. Sacrificing some aspects that are less important may help lift you to heights that did not seem possible.