Why Parents Need to Lead

Little Dribblers

Why Parents Need to Lead, Not Just Support: Helping Kids Make the Right Choices

Lately, we’ve noticed a growing trend, parents saying they are waiting for their kids to decide if they want to play on a team, sign up for a class, or participate in something that could be beneficial for their growth. While giving kids a voice in decision-making is important, there’s a fine line between allowing autonomy and avoiding parental responsibility.


The Role of Parents in Decision-Making

As parents, it’s our job to guide, support, and sometimes push our children in the right direction. Many life-enriching opportunities, whether sports, academics, or personal development, require a nudge. Children, by nature, often take the path of least resistance. If something feels unfamiliar, difficult, or uncertain, they may hesitate. That’s where parents come in to encourage, support, and lead them toward experiences that foster growth.  Waiting for a child to decide on their own about a structured activity like joining a sports team or taking a class might sound like respecting their independence, but in many cases, it’s an avoidance of decision-making. The truth is, most kids don’t fully understand the long-term benefits of discipline, commitment, and structured activities. They need guidance, and sometimes, they need their parents to make the call for them.


The Excuse of Letting Kids Decide

If we’re being honest, some parents use “letting my child decide” as an excuse to avoid pushback, responsibility, or the inconvenience of committing to an activity. It’s easier to say, “They weren’t sure, so we didn’t sign up” than to commit time and energy to driving them to practices, paying for the program, or helping them push through initial discomfort. But in doing so, we deny them the chance to experience new challenges, develop resilience, and gain confidence.


Balancing Choice and Guidance

Of course, it’s important to listen to our children and consider their interests. But the key is balance. Here are a few ways to help guide your child’s decision-making while still fostering their independence:

  1. Lead With Encouragement: Instead of asking, “Do you want to play basketball?” try, “I think basketball would be great for you. Let’s give it a try this season.”
  2. Expose Them to Different Experiences: Sometimes, kids hesitate simply because they don’t know what to expect. Take them to watch a practice or let them try a get an evaluation with one of our coaches.
  3. Teach Commitment: If they start an activity, encourage them to finish the season or session. Learning to follow through is a critical life skill.
  4. Be Honest About Challenges: Let them know that everything worth doing comes with ups and downs, and that feeling nervous or uncertain is normal.
  5. Be the Parent, Not Just the Supporter: Children rely on parents to help them make the best choices for their development. Don’t be afraid to step in and guide them.


The Bigger Picture

Think about the successful, disciplined, and resilient individuals you admire. Chances are, they had someone in their life who pushed them, encouraged them, and sometimes made decisions for them when they weren’t ready to make them for themselves.


Our role as parents is not just to support from the sidelines, it’s to lead, to challenge, and to help shape the futures of our children. So next time you find yourself waiting for your child to decide whether they want to do something beneficial, ask yourself: Are they truly making a choice, or are they just avoiding discomfort? And as a parent, are you leading, or are you stepping back when they need you most?


It’s time to parent with intention because our kids deserve it.